Many persons go through life living for the next best thing. They are quick to follow the latest trend in fashion, personal habits, challenge on social media, etc. They may not like it, but the desire to fit in often time gets the best of them.
Blog first published on December 13th, 2019. Reposting here.
Know who you ARE
It is important to know who you are. Have full knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses. Know when to speak and when to be lead. Identify and define your skills, gifts, and talents. Do SWOT analyses of yourself at different epochs in your life. Why? Because you are your greatest investment. You cannot pour out if you do not pour in. When you have developed such self-awareness and confidence then you will understand who you are in God, to your family, to friends, etc. So, do you truly know who you are? Spend some time with you and know thyself.
A few days ago I decided to create the quote above.
I was greeted by some persons who were wondering about this new phrase, wanting to know what was the latest change in my life that had influenced the thought. Other persons were just nonchalant about it: they read it and moved on to the next item on social media.
I am thrilled to have this forum to elaborate a little more.
Many persons go through life living for the next best thing. They are quick to follow the latest trend in fashion, personal habits, challenge on social media, etc. They may not like it, but the desire to fit in often time gets the best of them.
In today’s society, we have so many persons searching. They are trying to understand where they fit in. Many persons are not taking the time to have some introspection: no self-inspection. They idolize celebrities and role models by trying to act like them, speak like them, be in the same crowd as their idols are. Whether it is trying to fit in on the job, with friends or in a crowd, they are doing each task with the ultimate goal of satisfying people’s opinions. If they can only find that solemn place where they can be at one with their creator and themselves, they will search no more.
Taking that time to examine yourself. Reflecting on the decisions you make, taking time to understand that your decisions should be guided by your creator, the gift you are given and the calling on your life is priceless. When this level of introspection is done you should begin to view yourself through the lens of God. You will begin to see the gifts you were given, how you have utilised them, how you have not touched them, how much more you can do with your talents. You begin to understand who loves and cares about you, who has always been there for you and how you have treated those individuals.
Introspection brings perspective. With introspection, you understand that fitting in is and never was important. Self-love is best. God’s love is great and the love of the people who have always been there is enough. With perspective, you begin to set affirmative goals and work at accomplishing them. Soon you become a better you and you are pouring into others the very thing that worked for you.
Here is my challenge to self-awareness:
Take a pen, a notepad, a bible or an inspirational book (whichever one works best for you)
Give yourself 1 to 2 hours for seven days
Find a quiet place to meet with your creator and practice introspection. That place can be filled with nature, some beautiful scenery that is serene or it can be a quiet room/space.
Write a list of your strengths/positives
Write a list of your weaknesses/shortfalls
Write areas that you feel you can improve where you have opportunities to be a better you but you have not explored them
Write a list of the things that you fear and that are occurring in your life that can destroy you – what are the major threats to you being the best you that ever walked the face of the earth?
Summarise everything and make a plan of your life for the next year. I usually plan a year at a time, but you can take small steps. It can be daily goals, weekly goals to improve something about you, it can be monthly or yearly.
Finally, give the creator control. Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans Proverbs 16:3
After you have left that tranquil place, leave with a plan for your life and direction on your next path.